Hello, Friends!
I am so excited to share this news with you today. With great pride, I am eager to share both a blog name change and launch of this new website!
Yes, Erica “B10” still “loves books,” and the blog will still reflect how I try to translate best practice research into my classroom; however, I’m no longer blogging at B10LovesBook.wordpress.com. I’m also taking on a new and exciting direction: speaking and consulting. Check out the links on the home page for more information.
To go with the new name and direction, I’ve decided to do a website make-over as well. I hope you enjoy all of these new changes. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to subscribe here: Follow Erica Lee Beaton on WordPress.com
There will be new posts and resources coming soon!
Thank you for your continued support! 🙂
With gratitude,